I am a PhD student in the Inria Scool team at CRIStAL, where I work under the supervision of Emilie Kaufmann and Rémy Degenne. Before that, I was a student at the ENS Paris-Saclay and the MVA Master’s program.

I am particularly interested in identification problems in Multi-Armed Bandits and Reinforcement Learning. I like to craft algorithms that work with small sample-size for pure exploration problems, and that match the information lower bound for them.

Beyond that, I enjoy learning about statistical testing, sequential testing, safe statistics, and more broadly machine learning.





Academic year 2024-2025

I am the TA for the “Bases mathématiques” course in the first semester again.

Academic year 2023-2024

I was the TA for the course “Bases mathématiques” in the first semester, and for the Cryptography course in the second semester for the mathematics Master’s of the Lille University

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